Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Years .. 30 سنة

30 سنة عصر الرئيس السابق محمد حسنى مبارك
يعنى المصرى اللى عمره 32 سنة دلوقتى ماشافش ف حياته غير مبارك
وبالشكل اللى كان ماشى كنا هانشوف جمال رئيس لمصر ف 2012
ومعاك ل2040!
يعنى اجيال واجيال فوق الاجيال

30 years were Mohamed Hosni Mubarak era
It means that any 32 years old Egyptian didn't see any other president but Mubarak
and it was supposed that we will see Gamal Mubarak succeeding his father in 2012
and till 2040!
it means generations and generations

ان كان والدى رضى بده ليا
فانا كان لا يمكن ارضى لاولادى يعيشوا تانى ف نفس النظام ده
ويمكن هما واحفادهم
كان لازم تغيير
وكان لازم النظام كله يتغير
مش مجرد رئيس يمشى وييجى رئيس تانى
كان لازم فكر المنظومة كله يتغير

If my father accepted this kind of life for me
I can't accept this for my children to live with the same regime
and maybe their children also
so .. change was a must
It was a must to remove the whole regime
It wasn't only about a president to go and another one to come
It was necessary for the regime to be changed entirely

فى التحرير .. شفت اطفال كتير بيهتفوا وبيغنوا ضد مبارك ونظامه
وطبعا مايعرفوش اى معلومة غير اللى اهاليهم بيقولوهالهم
اطفال 10 و 7 و 5 سنين بيهتفوا بكل حماس ضد مبارك
طبعا اغلبهم ان ماكانش كلهم على الارجح مش فاهمين هما بيقولوا ايه
بس عجبنى اوى .. منظر اب شاب بيتكلم مع ابنه - او اعتقد انه ابنه - وعمال بيفهمه كل حاجة
عن مبارك واحمد عز والحزب الوطنى
خلانى اضحك واخبط على كتف الراجل واشاورله بالابهام مع ابتسامة بمعنى برافو
الراجل بدوره ابتسم وقاللى "ماهو لازم .. عشان مايطلعش زينا ماكنش نعرف حاجة .. لازم الجيل الجديد يبقوا فاهمين من وهما صغيرين"

At Tahrir .. I saw many kids chanting and singing songs about Mubarak and his regime
And for sure they didn't know anything about what's going on except what their parents told them
10, 7, and 5 years old kids were chanting enthusiastically against Mubarak
off course most of them - probably all of them - didn't even understand what they're saying
But what really impressed me .. a young father talking to his son - or I think he was his son - and trying to explain everything to him
about Mubarak, Ahmed Ezz, and the National Party
I smiled and gave the man a thump up
he smiled and told me "I must do it .. to make sure he won't grow up brainwashed like us .. this new generation must understand everything from the early young stages"

الاطفال هم المستقبل
واذا كان الجيل القديم قال علينا - احنا الشباب - اننا شباب تافه ومش فاضى غير للهلس واستحالة نقدر نغير وان المستقبل مظلم وهانعيش فى خراب و..... الخ
فانا واثق ان الجيل الجديد اللى هما اطفال اليوم - شباب المستقبل - هايبقوا احسن مننا بكتير
لاننا اكيد هانساعدهم وندعمهم بالشكل اللى الجيل اللى قبلنا ماساعدناش ولا دعمنا بيه

Kids are the future
Elders said that we - Youth - are overshadowed and we only care about stupidities and it will be impossible for us to change and we've dark future and.... etc.
but I'm sure that the next generation, today's kids - future's youth - will be better than us
that's because we'll help and support them with the same support which we didn't have

مصر ان شاء الله هاتبقى دولة احسن بكتير ف ايد دول
Egypt will be a better country in these young people hands


  1. Lovely!
    For this post and for taking on the responsibility to change this world.
    Mabrouk from Mexico!

  2. I wish I can :)
    Thanks for passing by here
    I hope you have a good time at Morocco

  3. Thank you so much. I am another fan of you and your revolution from Mexico, where I live now for 2 years after leaving the insane USA. Power to the people! Susan Starr
